Alluvial exploration - continue

Alluvial gold grain from panning
During the weeks the travelling trip were conducted the alluvial gold prospecting area. The land was the small hilly and some flat ground in between and quite wide valley with in creek and small river as well. No heavy jungle at all, accept the protected forest area. 

Quite difficult to cross the forest and get the out crop of geological data , sampling and obsebvation around the field yard. Some of area dominated with very thick of top soil and plantation grassy. 

Not much can do the activity in the field , but the small equipment were help for some work as to cross the creek, test pit, chanelling, trenching and sampling beneath the top soil.

Panning at along the stream

So far what I can do , just the panning. By the way sampling at along the stream and tributary channel the panning were done as well.

Some of the panning shows indication gold content but not as much as on the upstream. Down stream result shows a veru very fine grain gold, so that some called  dust gold.

I am sure this is the gold in long long way transportation, may be. But not on the pay dirt layered. We will make a sampling on the pay dirt zone.

Pay dirt is our target to get the best result of panning.

What is "pay dirt"?

Pay dirt is the zone content gold of the alluvial sediments. In generally this layer linead on the river bank, asociated with coarser sand and gravel some time at a lot of boulder but not often.

The pay dirt zone will not thick as gold layer, but only half meter of a feet only.
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