Vuggy Quartz Content Gold
December 12, 2017
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Vuggy Quartz Content Gold
The quartz vein related gold bearing zone. In the field you can see many quartz. That in different textures. One of them is Vuggy Quartz Content Gold. These quartz fragment I found at the valley as floating. So that the samples were not an out crop. So far ya, but to me I can follow up where is the source.
Upstream direction is the target exploration, rather than down stream. Not only the quartz, I also doing some panning. And there are very good result by panning. So thats why , many people from the village come here for gold panning.
The area known as goldy creek. Quartz fragment so many at the valley. Also as alluvial material on the stream river.
Alluvial Known since a year ago
The area known by peoples since a year ago. During the time, a logging people want to create a camp. They come on the creek for some think wash clothes. But suddenly look at the sand. And try to get panning by a plate. They got some gold grain.
After the day come down to the village , then talk to neighbor. And so latest many peoples come to the hill and the jungle for gold.
May be at now a hundred team for panning with many technology. I found traditional panning, use a fried pots. But the others use a vacuum pump. and others use a carpet palong.
Quartz is amazing
Minerals quartz as fragment floating on the creek is amazing. I take the samples of this. many samples i gotted, white quartz, brown quartz and many textures quartz.
Most of them is vuggy quartz. And the vuggy quartz is best laboratory result. almost all the vuggy quartz content gold. High grade in average more than @ Au= 1 ppm.
some of the samples shows @ Au=2 ppm, 7 ppm.
I am sure that the textures of quartz related the mineralization process. A genetic of the quartz be able to tell the story of formation construction.
That the quartz vuggy is the high grade. Brown quartz second. Massive quartz nothing, or very low grade @ Au = less 0.1 ppm
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