Feldspar Minerals

One of the most common minerals found in the composition of the earth's crust is called Silica, while the second is Feldspars. Therefore it is necessary to know Feldspars in general around us, who knows what the benefits will be in the future.

In nature, feldspar minerals are present in united aggregated with other minerals forming rocks known as igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks.
While the mineral Feldspar itself is characterized by chemical compounds KAlSi3O8 - NaAlSi3O8 - CaAl2Si2O8 can stand respectively. With the characteristics of different colors, gray, reddish, creamy white and brown.
This color can appear in the presence of compounds in it with certain elements. 

As someone who works in the field survey, it is a pleasure to meet a mineral feldspar containing gold. Because usually it is soft, easy to solve and very pivot, maybe because of the rock products which are mineralized by hydrothermal liquid so that they contain gold and silver.

Hampir setiap batuan mengandung mineral feldspar, entah sebagai mineral utama dominan atau sebagai minoritas mineral.

Plagioclase and Orthoclase

Feldspar is classified into two parts of Orthoclase and Plagioclase, both of which are physically differentiated from the presence of striated features on their surface texture.

Plagioclase tend to show striated lines. Orthoclase does not and tends to be massive

This is because it is supported by the chemical composition which is distinguished by the content of potassium, sodium and calcium
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