Structure to tracking a mineralization

Normally  an aggregation of minerals in rock formation is not disturbed or replaced by the others minerals or not decomposed. Be caused of the natural process is equilibrium and there is an evolution of earth. 
But in the fact that found a many unconformity and uncertain like a clay changed mineralization in the Tuff volcanic rock. A decomposed caused of unstable of Feldspar mineral during metasomatism or hydrothermal process.

The image on side is the sample that the mineralization develop at a long the structure like joint or bedding contact between two or more layer of volcanic.
The silica content almost often develop at along the fracture and bedding plane and at halo. By the intensity of influx fluid minerals the rock formation be come a new content which can be a quartz or just replace a plagioclast feldspar to be a clay minerals.

Later on next opportunity , can be write down here the relation in between of these process.
But the intensity of spreading and inserting minerals fluid in to the rock formation also depend on the level of porosity of rock, and how is the characters of those fluid. These can be temperature and composition of chemicals, viscosity, and permeability medias.

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