Why Alluvial Mining Fails?

Alluvial Mining Fails

Why alluvial mining often fails ?
Alluvial Cycles erosion sources rocks

Many of us heard that alluvial mining business did not work, or was less than comparable, or just enough to buy oil and the results were many more frequent complaints I had with the entrepreneurs of alluvial miners from small and small businesses with large excavator, truck, , and large processing machines.

Many of the inputs I got about this alluvial mining matters and the following in my narrative.

Alluvial mining is usually done in rivers or streams or ancient rivers. Yes indeed alluvial is a sediment that not only happen in the present, but also as the precipitate of the ancient sedimentary alias. The latter is what seems difficult to be examined by surface mapping. which rely solely on the appearance of data appearing on the surface 

Because of the gold from alluvial deposits is the result of rocks that contain gold resources and deposited in the river or creek. from here gold having a large density, it is deposited gravitatively at the bottom of the sediment layer which together is transported together with water or wind or glacier media. Of course the deposition is the state of the moment, not the current state of the river. 

So what about the mining activity?
Most alluvial miners are losers or less result after several months of activity.
Although there are also successful, but a few hundred new one successful.

Here is the answers

  1. Perform alluvial mining activities should be preceded by test pit, panning test, dulang, sedimentation test, alluvial milling spread.
  2. After performing various tests then immediately create a mapping, alluvial potential mapping
  3. Both points above is a valid data to conduct alluvial gold mining business activities, Well then proceed with making the calculation of profit and loss
  4. Then start with mining operations 
Most entrepreneurs, are about to get a profit from alluvial mining activities
But it's not a profit, but a stump

The water media to dirt so that gold grain flow by the stream
Remember that the business being sought is not a visible thing and can be physically counted, but a natural precious metal thing in nature and no definite mathematical calculation except with preliminary observation, testing and investigation. 

No attempt to rely on blind gambling, but for the uninitiated or beginner.

But for those who already understand or accustomed to the mining business, then before stepping step by step will be reviewed one by one. or otherwise become a fatal loss, well this is for businessmen who champion will not happen.  
He has always been an entrepreneur who studies technical and non-technical studies carefully, directed and procedural

Usually for those who have been successful or have successful experience will always follow the rhythm of work that has brought him success. 

Many incidents of loss in this alluvial mining business because of some of the constraints that exist on their own, for example ...
because of lack of focus, less attention on a continuous basis
There is insufficient capital to prepare the work equipment so that with the equipment limitations it causes a half-and-a-half lack of work to complete.
There is no solid team work that does not become a profitable work union but detrimental to the investor, you should always remember that there is a mandate behind us working is one worship, two factors of necessity of living 
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