"Interpreted Structure" from water spring

Structure of the earth surface

The structure can be a manifested of the history of the area, as far as indicate the rest of result or effected action. It can be a track, train , mold or any others indication that can interpreted as the geology history.

A product of the earth movement can be shown as big fault, fracture, dislocation, which some of these structure often filled by quartz, clay or carbonate. 

What is the result of water spring..?

But here would like to ask you that the data shown on field are the "water spring". 

By the appearing of this water spring so that can interpreted back of the history. The pressure of the character of water should be mobile and looking at the weak zone, like a fractures, fault zone ...shearing zone. So that the water spring can be up lift and pass in this structures.

In the direction in line of three located water spring with in the same general lithology, granite with intrude by the silica sulfide. This also meaning that there are a same processing of tectonics than create a track as like as water spring in the same direction. That is the line of structural.

A silica filling in the lineament of fracture and interpreted connect between each other. Also be come the same interpretation the lineament and filling fracture be able to interpret as the structure..weak zone.

Additional feature are the surface topography, that almost all the location at the slope of granite hilly, so that the lineament can interpreted as fault.

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