Make Business of your Resources

One time during my trip up the idea after seeing how big hills  and stretches wide and long enough.  Of course consists of various types of rocks formation and the surrounding natural resources. 

Fr om that idea out of my head, 
oh no granite rocks, volcanic rocks and oh no single location that contains  metal. With  full conviction that there's a rock but there are also genuine and original or altered rocks that have been processed by a natural progression of mineralization. 

Well from that directly I see is  granite, volcanic tuff and grains of iron concression. 

It is clear that there is economic potential can be developed for the benefit of the people and the local area.  

That is,  what I would want so there are contributions from sharing my knowledge is beneficial for the people who need them.  

If granite is coarse grain,  there are fragments of quartz, feldspar fragments exist, there are grains of pyroxene which has sometimes one hand thumb. 

Well color mosaic of black and white will make the glory when they may in the saw and the slippage to be a certain size. Oh this is money in front of the eye, who's going.?.

There is again yes, tuff volcanic rocks that are layered, take one or two examples and choose bedding that is hard and make a certain size. 

Then this may be a stone wall and pretty residential construction and natural. It's also money if we want the business. 

So the objects that exist around we too can be a money maker. Please try, first identify the nature around you, and in any existing data. 

Then set up and observe carefully what can be created and produced a work that benefits the public, that's a positive use of natural surroundings. 

Good luck and fight, remember keep the natural surroundings.
Degodego Semakin banyak pengetahuan membuat bijak

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