

Breccia is the agregate of fragment and matrix and cement to a compacted rocks. 

The fragment should be a older of rock formation rather than the breccia it self, and the vary of these breccia is polymict breccia, fault breccia, hydrothermal breccia, volcanic breccia and naming base on the content of rock forming these breccia.

These the only breccia were related the gold mineralization , and that is Fault Breccia, Hydrothermal Breccia. Fault breccia is the breccia were formed by the process of fault at the land area and caused of fault zone with the covered by fault breccia rocks. 

Characteristic of these breccia is the same material between matrix and fragment.   

Hydrothermal breccia is the breccia were formed by the magmatism process, becaused of solidified on the wall during magmatism flows. generally the fragment also the wall rock and the matrix is a fluid magmatism.                     

Talking about the gold mineralisation will clossed to these both of breccia. 
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