Take a Sample

Sample : is rocks sample . follow description below.
Sample of the rock is the one that bring any data from the target location area. There are so many significant mean. So that don't loose the one from your record of the samples. The sample give you information regarding and representing the place of the crop and location of the observation: included on this samples record some value as followed:

1. Type of rocks and description of the samples
2. Value of the minerals content after assaying
3. Location of the samples
4. Characters of the formation for follow up job.
5. Metallurgy content related the rocks characters samples
6. Resources characters and quality
7. Quantity of Resources

Rock samples are part of the data taken from the earth  and should be  authentic, representative from some area or a specific location. The rock samples can be taken by grabbing, augering , trenching, panning,  channeling or by drilling.
The rock sample, become the most important during the reporting and analyzing the data, so that the occurancies is most accurate as well. Rock samples are the most important data to create a report and anlisa, including the retrieval of accurate location, number of rock samples representing severe, and of adequate quality.
Taken the samples must be valid and accurate , coordinate, and rocks or sediments or cores.

Why? all to be the beginning of his next work step, so that once made one less right at the beginning of the work, it will make less precise in making analysis and reports.

There are various rock samples, which are:
1. Surface or grab samples
Geochemical soil samples
3. The stream sediment samples 
4. Trenching and Test Pit samples
5. Core Sample or Drill holes samples.

Each of the above will be described as follows:
1. Sample surface: a rock sample that is taken at the surface of the earth, and from where where a special location without digging. Often referred to as the Grab sample for any randomly picked. As for the amount of weight of the sample can be in the standard for the purposes of laboratory analysis, petrography analysis as well as analysis of Petrology. Generally the sampling weight is 5 Kg to 10 Kg.
For purposes of analysis, the levels will be sent to the laboratory for at least 5 Kg, while for the sake of Petrography, it will select the rocks is still relatively fresh to do as thin section.
While most other Petrology analysis of rock samples showed signs of texture, and certain physical properties, eg crystalline nature, shaped like a block.

Rock sampling is generally coincide with the period of the initial investigation, prospecting, regional exploration
The sample is then analyzed the contents of mineral elements in the laboratory by AAS method, Aqua Regia, botle Rolls, or the ICP, generally in units partpermillion, or in grams per tonne.
The analysis includes the elements of Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Sn, Zn, Fe, As, Hg, Mo, Ti, Cr. Number of whatever element in the analysis would be considered depending on the system mineralization and targets of economic minerals.
Encoding herewith the sample, MRxxxxAB, MFxxxxAB meaning insitu rock sample of out crop or a Float and remove from original location of  block Adabarang.

2. Sample geochemical or soil samples, usually taken using digger Hand Auger Drill or, drill Bangka, and taken on a layer of Horizon C, the question is does not contain Top Scree containing garbage and plant roots, and not moldy total, and also bounded by bedrock. Geochemical sampling system taking into account the grid, eg 50m x 50m each sample, or 25m x 25m each sample, depending on the target mineralization indicated. Indications that as the density of the mineralization, vein system, or mineralization widens example in the area of High sulfidation.. Hand hole depth Auger usually depends on the condition and situation of the thickness of top soil at the site, can be 1m, 2m or even 5m, but increasingly in the more heavy to rotating auger pipe stem.
The sample is then analyzed the contents of mineral elements in the laboratory by AAS method, Aqua Regia, botle Rolls, or the ICP, generally in units partpermillion, or in grams per tonne.
The analysis includes the elements of Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Sn, Zn, Fe, As, . Number of whatever element in the analysis would be considered depending on the system mineralization and targets of economic minerals.
Encoding herewith the sample, MAxxxxAB, meaning rock sample from Auger action at location of  block Adabarang.

3. Stream sediment sample was taken from the river sediment and the appropriate use of filtering up to 40mesh or in the form of concentrates from panning tools. The target of this sampling is to get the gold grains or other minerals contained in the sediment of the river at the location. Furthermore, the stream sediment samples in analaisa in the laboratory to target the elements Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Sn, Zn, Fe and As. Likewise performed on sample concentration finer grains by filtering up to 80mesh, and this will be analyzed Bleg, Bulk Leach Gold extractable. The next example in the analysis of the levels of Au, Ag and Cu.
Encoding the sample, MSxxxxAB, MBxxxxAB meaning Stream sediment sample and BLEG from  location of  block Adabarang.

4. Trenching and Test Pit sample is a sample taken through the manufacture of trench length and typically use a device excavator to dig deep inside his bucket length. Chipping rock samples in every particular interval of 1m, 2m or 5m depending on lithology cross section looks at the walls of the trenches. This example is generally given a code with channel samples or MC.xxxx.AB means MC = Chanel samples, and AB is the location, a block prospects means Adabarang village.
Encoding herewith the sample, MRxxxxAB, MCxxxxAB meaning insitu rock sample, or channeling on trench  from the location of  block Adabarang.

5. Core samples are rock samples were taken through a core barrel drilling equipment set at a drilling location with the depth and location of drill point and inclination of drilling. The Drilling
can be vertical drilling and drilling tilted up to 60 degrees.
No sample size can be sized NQ = 54mm, HQ = 74mm, PQ and BQ = 102mm = 155mm.

Sampling of rocks in this way is intended to obtain a representative sample from the subsurface accurately. Tentuk there recording the coordinates of the drill hole, and the depth of the sample points its top and bottom.
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