Exploration Practices 2

Environment Impact:
This step is part of a positive result on a detailed exploration of minerals, such as gold. Sudi environment is crucial to get to the next level, namely the production. Impact on the environment will be studied before and during the passage of the production phase.

So what's in environmental studies prior to the production phase:
1. The state of the crops grown around the project site
2. The state of animal life around the project site
3. Including insects and aquatic life.
4. The physical state of water, pH, color, TSS, TDS, etc about the project
5. Monitoring during project production

Feasibility Study:
As a follow up of the results of mineral exploration that results in a positive amount of reserves, we conducted a feasibility study. Feasibility studies generally study the technical and non technical aspects and the environmental aspects of life, then find the optimal value of the production value of the benefits. Of course the assumption is close to reality at the present time.
Any filled in the discussion of the feasibility study:
1. Final exploration, results and location of ore,
2. Conditions Topography
3. Type Material ore, oxidation, or Sulfide
4. Test Results Hydrometalurgy, what kind of gold trapped in rock
5. Metalurgy Test Work, the way the model of what can be in the processing
6. The amount of the reserve can be in the mine, with certain assumptions
7. Environmental aspects, multy ply efect, study the environment around the project site
8. Then the mine plan, how much total
9. And Production in Monthly, Annual, Total.

Mining plan , most important during prepare 

Construction :
Once the feasibility study passed, then the project can be implemented, the next is the construction period.
In this step begins the construction of facilities and infrastructure, including:

1. Camp fascility, Housing employee, Canteen. 
2. Laboratory,
3. Processing Plant
4. Detox Supporting
5. Fuel Tank
6. Security Guard
7. Praying Place
8. Sport fascility
9. Recreation room
10. Nursery
11. Tailing Ponds
12. Community Relationship
13. Workshop
14. Training Fascility
15. Water Storage Fascility

Production Period:
Starting commission
Commissioning to begin production period. Generally begins with a ceremonial event, and was opened by the distinguished leaders of the region concerned, of course, with local custom events as part of the CSR,
the period of production is a mining operation the most awaited by investors, due to start production of meaningful living calculate how long the money will be returned, rate of return from investing. Thereby making a job working safely, comfortably and efficiently and with optimum results, and the rules of safety are justified.
A time can be in raising production levels for the pursuit of the annual target, or targets of opportunity in commodity prices is good, and this is usually set by the management board.

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