Discover Gold Around You

Gold Mineralization...?

The focus of this post, is I want to share the experience of the gold mineralization is associated with various aspects of geology. Basically the natural conditions in a region, not far from the geological controls in the area, and it was kind of rocks and geological structures located in the area. 

It is a series of the scientists are interlocked with each other, including in the application in the field.In a particular interesting object, in this case the occurance of gold, then all aspects of geology it becomes very need to be considered and researched carefully. 
Detail one by one the problems started in the investigation in order to obtain a meaningful clue, and they can bring takbir nature contained in those locations and this is becoming a gold discovery. 

During a trip of my activitie, I met the location of the field data that  stretch almost undulating hills of low to moderate, and are controlled by several types of rocks including shale layered rocks, tuffaceous volcanic rocks. 
In addition, it also found a breakthrough in iron, and also in some places encountered quartz vein, though sometimes only a subtle vein and stockwork vein. Other data structures encountered is mebentang fairway with a straight pattern elongated and has yet to be an investigation in which the relative up or down.

Some looked a clue mineralization encountered at the site, and among them are:

1. The emergence of granite intrusive rocks near this location, only within a radius of 500 to 1000 meters there is a higher hill and composed of granite, with Holo crystalline texture, and these rocks break through shale rock units that are layered thin laminates.

2. Intrusion iron appears near the site, about 500 meters there is intrusion of iron, with properties and air hematitic dike properties. appearance of iron is seen as out of crop area of 50 x 50 meters above the topography is relatively low.

3. Extreem dipping sandstone bedding in location, is on radius about 250 meter width and 100m meter lenght and not sure the limit yet. So far the normaly dip of stratigraphy around 25 to 45 degrees on the sediment and meta sediment formation. 

4. Sulphyde minerals were found on location are pyrite as found interlock in the quartz vein hosted in sandy volcanic rocks , also galena on the series of quartz vein.

5. Some samples analyzed result shows Au=3.35 ppm,  Au=12.27 ppm and low grade around 0.02 - 0.30 ppm, spread as streching zone East West direction. The zone coincide to the extreem structure of the formation volcanic sand stone.
6. A Geophysics IP dipole dipole has run by local support scienctist and quite well result. there indicate 3 zone mineralized need to be sure by continue exploration.

By those limited data so that the interpretation that the area possible gold mineralization , Further more the exploration can follow up by drilling ,
Prepare more fund to these program.

Degodego Semakin banyak pengetahuan membuat bijak

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