How to proove Investor to your projects

Investation :

The definition of this is the putting your capital to some of business can be a many sector of business mining, agro industry, and just share markets.

Investation also a part of the business of object industry, this can be a gold mining industry. And Infestation is the part to your business to be able to develop again the program. 

How much,..value of yours?
The value of investation will depend on the total value of the resources and calculated with in the how much more parameter, included the plant processing you will construct and how much cost will be approval to the project. 

And these part will depend on the type of the model of plant and will depend on the type of the ore materials to be proceed.

So the mainly id geology factors to make sure what is the materials content gold in your area. :
  • Are the ore is Oxide and porous 
  • Or the ore is sulfide
  • What are the minerals content associated in goldy materials

Many ways to make a solution during your meet to the investor, What its that.?
  • Make a joint venture
  • Make Memorandum Of Understanding
  • Make a compromise Sharing profit
  • Make a distribution responsibility 

how can you hold, ?
The investor in general are rich person, so that you need to do activity as they are active, in golf club, in tea club or just anywhere their community. Make a good relationship , good introduction and good joint friendly.

how can approach..?
Approaching to find investor will not so easy to do. Make a same perception in between you and investor candidate. share your own projects proposal, explain and presented the over view of the project , capital, budgets and productions also project life how many years.

how to choosing the investor..?
For your projects owner it's a good feeling is part of your choosing the partner and this will not easy to change . Please do well good feeling and good choice to the partner. If you have many partner carefully to find out.
Here some your consideration :
  • Background of the investor company
  • How much they willing to joint venture
  • How much you will have for owner
  • Take a good relationship partner

How much you need the money to your project.?
budget to do some program in your plan

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