Gold Exploration Gear

The Exploration Gear

  1. Back Pack : Both for your personal and for your working instrument
  2. Geology Gear : Compass , Hummer, Scratcher , Loupe , Sample bag, Marker Pen, Pencil Color, Field Books
  3. LapTop, NoteBook : for your input data, use the practise geology software. Structure software, Stratigraphy, Input data base.
  4. Hand Phone : use to communication in emergency , call wife,and friends , business partner, the camerafor shoot and close up to the outcrop and geo features, site seeing, good looking pictures related concession.
  5. Tracking shoes : slippery tracking
  6. Jungle shoes : wet tracking, Most important for the creek area, swampy area. Take careful with Leeches. Should be water proof.
  7. Mosquito repellent : specially for insect repellent.
  8. Camp Tends : Choosing for small, medium or large size tends.
  9. Lighter : to your emergency on the dark situation, go jungle, creek .
  10. Field blades : useful to cooking , and anything .
  11. Chain saw : To cut the tree in the jungle off road.
  12. Sleeping Bag Polar : Sleeping with jungle situation. Use sleeping bag.
  13. Extra FoodSpecial Drink   and Snack
  14. Camera closed up.
  15. Rain coats
  16. Communication radios : Radio useful to communicate to base camp and pair to pair. camp to office.
  17. Medical packed : First Aids is must be there.
  18. Team Coordination
  19. Map and Plan Area studied
  20. Document Permits
  21. Serpa or Local labour : take a look at the local labour. First to your social, relation to external.
  22. Knowledgement and Team Leader

Gold Exploration Gear 

Gold exploration gear here I would like to discuss about what kind should you prepare for your budget exploration. So that you can imagine , the preparation and budget. 

Although only the labor , still need to be make it ready preparation team work. Included the socialization in to the area government and village. Should be no more problem about people during in your exploration work. Team work were included they are.

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