Quartz Countertops Uses

Quartz Mineral

Quartz is a major content in the rocks mass. The formula SiO2 mostly silica and oxigen. There are many industry use a quartz minerals. Electronic, properties, Civil industry, Housing, Gems, Jewelry, Art at home, and more.

Most of the mineral quartz is Crystal  and very hard. Hexagonal shape, associated in most every rocks found. Igneous, metamorphic and also sediment.
But the amount of percentage will not the same.

Where is the sources of Quartz

In the nature a quartz founded as an out crop on the resistant elevation. Generally on the top of the hilly location. Becaused of the resistant of this rock so that the elevation be able to higher than around.

How can the quartz founded in the nature on your exploration?

This minerals is the product of hydrothermal process on the nature. Filling on the fractures of rocks formation. Can be as a quartz vein in the rocks formation and also as over print on the quartz vein it self.

By these situation so that you can estimate where are the location of the quartz vein or quartz filling fractures.

Structures of geology the area should be mapped. explore the fractures and clue of the structures. 

Quartz Countertops Uses

In the industry this quartz can be found as building material as tile, countertops. In the Jewelry as part of watch, and also as part of semiconductor in electronics. Not only the small industry uses this quartz rocks, but also the mining industry.

A very famous uses of quartz is Gold mining industry. Why quartz closed in to the gold mining?

These related in to the melting point temperatures of this minerals. And the Gold associated in to this quarts minerals. So that for your gold exploration should be found the quartz vein .
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