What Kind Of Camera For Explorer

What kind of camera for explorer

If you want to go to a bridal party, of course, bring a camera for indoor, wide angle and complete with a flash light. all reflector umbrellas, tripods and all accessories. Now your needs are outside. In a remote location, maybe runny rivers, enter the forest, go up the hill, go down the cliffs and so on. There is clay dirt and a lot of hard rock. What is the right camera model and suitable for use in situations like this. What kind of camera for explorer, to get the best picture for his activity and documentation and reporting.

The most suitable requirement is of course, which meets the following requirements:
  • Impact resistant, 
  • moisture resistant, 
  • waterproof, 
  • high resolution, 
  • easy to use, 
  • portable, 
  • auto focus, 
  • large memory, and 
  • can certainly take pictures in less light situations.

What's on the market: 

Canon, Nikon, Fuji, Pentax, Olympus, Ricoh , Panasonic , or others.

I just took Canon and Nikon product samples.

Canon PowerShot D30

Nikon Coolpix S33

Work anywhere on the site

The two cameras mentioned above, you can bring to the field, take photos of rock out crop, stream sediment, or core samples and soil samples. Which is certainly resistant to water, dust, dirty hands and also easy to use 
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