Gold Price vs Covid19

Gold Necklece on beautiful neck
Who is not surprised because the price of gold has reached 2000 USD per troy oz. This is the first time in history. What a major event in gold trading.
Maybe the current value of 2000 is different from the value ten years ago, but the nominal value of 2000 is historical in my opinion.
Why was the gold price increase so drastic in the last period, as if there was no drop in the chart at all, even though if I pay attention usually before going up the chart first drops a few weeks and then goes up strongly.
But now it really goes straight up like an airplane taking off.
If only there was the ability to collect gold I had done a few months ago, when I had my mind that the price of gold would touch USD2,000 and even up to USD2076, I think this will happen. I'm sorry I don't have the power to buy gold.
Regardless of the situation, what I see is that the state of the pandemic which continues to plague yet to a complete stop will create a kind of hook to pull the economy down to its lowest point.
Gold bracelet on beautiful hands
And that point is called the "Economic Recession", in my opinion the existence of many industrial sectors that are forced to reduce productivity or even temporarily stop will have a negative impact on the local economy, even further towards the global economy.
Gold "Love" as mom symbols
Moreover, the mining world is becoming less productive, the demand is still increasing for the technology needs of gold metal. Meanwhile, gold mining in all resources in the world has not developed, in other words, the demand is increasing, the supply of goods is less.
This formula is simple and widely understood by the public, so it is only natural that now the gold price reaches USD2,000 per troy oz.

For example, the pandemic problem, which has not diminished in countries in the world, will have a very direct impact on the economy.

Covid19 vs gold mine industry

The corona virus situation is like fungus spread evenly throughout the world and affects the speed of the economic sector everywhere. Almost close to a state of recession, or even to a country. It is real. However, no one was able to predict the extent to which this pandemic would be rampant in the system of life.

I have become one of those affected by the reduced activity of the company, so that I have to be laid off, including myself. This is what I face, maybe many others who begin.

One hopes that the corona virus pandemic outbreak will soon end and return to its original state with a variety of lively business activities interacting with one another to assess profits.

It's really something in my imagination about it, when and when it will return to normal life, without any social restrictions, distance restrictions, social restrictions and so on.
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