Outdoors Camping In Pandemic

Outdoors Camping in pandemic
Maybe those who like adventure into the wild will definitely miss such an atmosphere. Outdoors camping in pandemic might be a cure for longing. Namely by laying out a tent in the yard of the house, and not far from the house.
There are many ways to get rid of the longing for the outdoors and the desire for adventure in the wilderness. And if you have a few or enough pages to do k, then why not?
    Own Playground on the yard
  • Opening the tent in the yard
  • Make a hammock on the lawn
  • Eating on the floor together in the yard
  • Play with the family on the lawn
  • Own playground on the yard
Waterproof Lighter

All are easily opened in the location of your own home page, whether in front or behind the house.

If you have a large number of families, you can open more than one tent space, and make a long mat to eat together.

What "outdoors camping in pandemic" means is to give the whole family a sense of intimacy by being together outside the home.

One of the most important things to remember is that everything is part of your family, so it doesn't have to be a thing if something is missing. 

Consider everything to be a part of yourself, so you can feel free and feel good about it.

As a recipe for family harmony, one should be able to understand and respect each other, don't win each other alone. 

This is what often happens, the old want to be praised in the bag, and the young ones don't feel young want to win too, because they feel right. In fact, what was being discussed was "nothing" with a mere empty word.

It would be nice to gather outside and do something memorable together. For example, cooking together, grilling satay together, boiling vegetables, corn together, opening a tent in the yard. This is really something that triggers harmony in siblings.

Not only does it provide a temporary natural atmosphere, but outdoors camping in a pandemic can create a change in atmosphere so as to reduce boredom while staying at the WFH house during the Covid19 protocol.
Outdoors Camping in Pandemic with family
Corona viruses are indeed around us, let them pass by themselves, but don't just give up. 

There must be preventive efforts to take care of yourself, wash your hands, wear a mask, keep your distance and avoid crowds, insist on the pressure of the crowd and this is part of what Allah commands.
If there is no effort what Allah will give you as a result of your efforts, it will be absurd. 

So it is important to make ourselves try and try to succeed. Never slack.
Even if I am a Javanese there was an ancient Javanese lesson that my grandmother gave me.
  • Ho No Co Ro Ko : There is a Script
  • Do To So Wo Lo : Don't to talk to much, work and doing
  • Po Dho Jo Yo Nyo : Just Do Some thing to be Success
  • Mo Go Bo Tho Ngo : Then you'll be living in heaven

This is really a lesson about life and life that is very meaningful and meaningful.
Alright, back to trying to live in the wild outdoors camping in pandemic by means of the yard of the house.
Need an outdoors tent. CLICK HERE
Need a hammock CLICK HERE

Need to grill the satay CLICK HERE
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