7 Things Before Investing to Gold Prospect

The location of gold, what is it ..?
He is the scientific understanding of Earth that is one area that has been marked to be any prospect contains gold mineralization and mineral followers, silver for example.

Why do I plug the title ..?Is for those investors who want to plant or duitnya to split the activities of this earth to mine gold and mineral followers. Assume there is some interesting locations and want to invest to one of the most prospect, must choose one of them.

Of course I want huge resources, easy to process, close location, community support, extensibility, have a nice reserve ahead and finally small capital with high profitable location.

Any rules to choose ..?Investment is planted  or put  the money to the  presumed  activities  can generate profits in the future, whether one year, two years, three years or up to five years. So that is certainly going to be careful and meticulous in making based on business considerations in this regard.  

Therefore, let's follow the rules of the rules of selecting investments where..? 

In this respect there are some must diperrhatikan namely:

1. The amount of resources that may be below the surface of the earth in the area : Understanding is intended is how the amount of gold reserves of natural resources contained in the area, how many tons of ore material, with grade @Au how, and how Troy ounces. Sesuaikah would if invested money in the dollar to a number of backup resources
2. Model or Type trap her gold
Yes trap models and types of gold will be highly correlated with the amount and type of material and mineral what is there. For example porphyri Copper and gold minerals. Epithermal, Quartz Vein or Volcanic Rocks, in relation to gold and silver

3. The where abouts of the prospect areaSituated on a hill, in the middle of the village, or in the middle of the estate, far from the crowds of men. Everything will pertains to social impact and of course is the operational cost 

4. Social and Political Sciences of the prospect areaThis is a non-technical considerations, but it is often decisive, because seeing directly with the community and the local government. Of course also pertains to cost, if not taken care of properly.

5. Availability of capitalAsked ourselves, inability of how to provide capital for a business venture this mine. Do not half finished, will delay the time and opportunity. If it turns out was more or less, you should seek Joint Venture stronger, so there is no break up half way through, until production operations.

 6. Resilience soughtMentality as employers strongly support this business, be entrepreneurs are patient, careful and always looking for opportunities. Because the mining business seems tida rapid return of capital, but had to wait a few years, a new can breathe easier after production time arrives. 

7. Future Prospecting
Is there in the future, they can be developed to discover it, so there is still hope to add to reserve resources. Eg quartz vein development encountered, or encountered a new prospect locations nearby, or encountered a larger mineralized system development.
All that aan bring gains later in the day after the end of the first phase of production
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