Exploration Strategy

Exploration : 
Exploration ...... specially Gold Exploration or minerals exploration is the activity to explore any where , any places the minerals resources in the earth surface. The final result of the exploration is the locate resources and until minerals reserve , a mine able reserve of the certain mineral like  gold, iron, copper etc . 

Often the exploration step, stop on the mid way procedure be caused of the lack of the enough budget to do some development. 
Or some time the exploration nothing to have a target, by jump procedure and so that loose on the end.

Why..? What's gone wrong.. ?

So that , make it happen before the exploration were done as well, than make it the budget as your estimation as maximum as you can. In general the budget be able to be increasing becaused of the remote environment working area, and the economic aspect. 

What is your target exploration.? 

until final resources, until explore the resources only, or just a general exploration. There are be able to make strategy before running the program.

This will caused a significant impact during your half way running program than stop on the way.

Please be carefully to do the calculation of your budget. and he re is the some consideration regarding the budget of the minerals exploration related gold.

1. First of target exploration step....final, half way detail, of just a general regional exploration. those are the different cost and will have different data you will have.

2. Re introspect your investor , again and again as the cost own responsibility to continuing the exploration program. Don't let the program stop on the way during the situation nearmiss in to target. A technical person should make advise in the condition and situation.

3. Knowledge your working area, regarding the technical and non technical, related external relationship also a part of continuing the program, specially on the area emergence , area hard people, area that have a difficulty . 

4. Team work and the solid team. Meaning that how much your senior and junior, how many manner, personality, ability to work on remote, ability to work on minimal situation, jungle situation and some time no water.

5. Communication : inter and outer communication all be the way to be success of your program. Inter team work is the part of these point, to make solid team. Outer communication is the communication inter field and central office person, and to external relation. The non technical be able to make big problem when the team can not make a good relationship, and be able to effect during exploitation for future.

6. Play with the climate and time: the point is to explain that time and climate mostly need to consider during your exploration. During wet or rainy day to day will not capable to work exploration to climb the hilly area which have much more slippery and heavy rain.

7. Equipment and instrument to your exploration program. Some of the exploration need heavy equipment for test pit , trenching and road accessing , preparing camp etc. The main drilling program also need the bull dozer or excavator to prepare the drilling pad. Office instrument for survey topography, computing work and recording data....etc.

8. Official site office: this mostly need for legitimate and administration work to support the technical . Generally placing in the place that have a good communication telephone. 

9. Working Strategy: to make your efficient and achieve to your target.

The minerals exploration is not a small money, there are needs a lot of cost and every think, so that this should be a concern, hundred percent concern, focus in the target. 

Most of the loosing on the end of the program be cause of some reason, 
and that are below:

1. Administration :included permit concession, permit employee, operation permit, construction.
socialization regarding this permit, to the people around, to the government
understanding the location of minerals, exact target location
administration & Human Resources and Development
Safety and Health and Environment

2. Technical : 
these is the scientist project not the gambling , so that take a lot of desire able  knowledge and much more consideration thinking during decide a development of the exploration.  Step by step run the procedure, useful expertise, represented data, valid sources, and trusted. 

Yes or not .....of the data exploration ...can be follow up is depend and part of strategy of the technical.

3. Cost and Fund : 
this the main factor otherwise the technical. The discovery gold place will not be able to develop without any fund. 
Point 1. and 2. ...you have to discover many ton of gold content in the subsurface of the hill. 

But not the Challenger , be caused of there are not able to develop your self.
Fund money most a part of the fueling to start and running the machine of exploration.

4. Luck : this factor is only Allah ta ala , that the luck factor, which is accomplished with full work of sincerity, will definitely produce something positive. In Shaa Allah.

For Allah alone is the Master and the Merciful, and the Most Merciful.

The exploration principle :

Don't Jump Procedure, for your exploration  

Some time , some one want to be the fastest discovery, or want to finalized the exploration. They thinking that the program is complete....but there not drilling, sampling, logging, analyzed, assaying samples.....

This  will be rubbish, so don't do.. to get your SUCCESS.....DISCOVERY 
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