How to Choosing a start point mining

Choose a starting point mining alluvial in your area 

Area of mining will be set trough 
the some parameter as base on 
the previous survey result.  

Don't do in a harry  for your exploitation on some area in your mining license , so far after permit complete in generally some company want to continue to mine to immediately return the capital. 

This is totally wrong, the target will not move or gone , while in your area is secure from another activity of illegal mine.
Do the correct investigation trough the exploration data as much as you have and don't worry for the lock time.

I posted the case is on the alluvial mining area, with there area many company loose after a view months or just a view weeks. 

It's true..? 
Why..become loose..? look and see the reason.

Parameter to mining conducted the gold content in the alluvial, will always closed to the result during your exploration.

Exploration work will take :
  • Sample stream sediment
  • Panning pay dirt
  • Mapping around the area
  • Plotting on to the base map
  • Evaluation of the data

Sample of stream sediment will be a taken more than a view time, to be repeated at every places, to have a closed as possible. 

I do for some location with different  result stream sediment panning , and give me a knowledge that , You need look at Quantity, and Quality of gold grain. 

Quantity : 
After your sample taken in appropriate place and represented pay dirt, than... 
Next step is a total gold hold on the pan less than 10 grain, or more....

Don't do again area with just one or two grain show on your pan.

In generally pay dirt placing in between base formation and new sediment, so that you need to digging until the bed rock.

Quality :
Look at the old my posting, How about the alluvial quality. Shape, Size. All the parameter of above need to carefully evaluate and see What happen around your alluvial. 

Put your equipment  in to the area near the potential pay dirt first, so that you have  much time to pay back your capital as soon as possible.

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