How to choose the Processing Method

How to Processing your ore material
After your final exploration be complete..?

So What do you do..?

Yes. After the exploration to gold prospect complete , so that there are a mount of resources and bla bla the description of the ore type and quality of the content and quantity of the ore reserves. and the one of job to find out to processing the ore.

There are many others discipline profession to follow the program to be mining period.

And they are many ways to process the ore to be extracting out the gold from inside the rock materials.
  • Heap Leaching
  • Carbon In Leach
  • Resin In Leach
  • Carbon In Pulp
  • ALR
  • or Just Alluvial gravitation

Those are the many factor as follow :

1. Type of ore material : is the ore material Oxide , Transition or Sulfide material . All the material with content of gold but in different type. 

Generally in sub-tropical areas and more towards cold areas with less hot weather climate changes, the weathering process is less intensive, so the rocks or formations there will be more fresh than the weathered ones.

This will lead to a lack of oxidation zones in the gold carrier layer where the mining area is there.

Different from the area along the equator, this area has a change of daylight that gives the difference in temperature of heat and cold that very different change with very extreme fluctuations.

Oxidation process in the earth surface have changed the rocks character, and the process of oxidation in nature, has given a change in chemical composition and effecting to chemical oxidation properties that would facilitate the decomposition of the gold bonds contained in the rocks. So that the metallurgical processing be able to be accelerate. 

A transition material will give a little bit difficulty to processing be caused of the chemical characters on that rock material have both oxide and sulfide together  in the same place.  The extraction will need more cost and action.

A Sulfide ore material be able to specific processing and quiet more costing than the oxide. A  chemical nature of the sulfide will give little difficulty to the processing of the gold contained in the rocks material
By  this sulfide makes the gold bond too strong for its separation process to require special treatment of sulfide elements

2. A Content accessories element in the gold content, In the earth surface , there are many type of gold trap ...........yes....   It can be associate with Copper, or with Sulfur, or with Carbon, or others metal like Tungsten, or Mercury.

Each of associate element , they have in different adhesion and cohesion each others and in different chemical characteristic  

Content carbon , these chemical content hold very strong to gold content in the ore material during processing.

Content of sulfur also give the special character to be gold processing

A metal Tungsten also make a different gold processing, during absorption.

A copper also make more different while gold processing, also will more costing during gold content in dominant copper rocks material. Like a bornite, covellite minerals .

3. Budget and Cost you are ready and Target production. 

Of course the cost is the main object on the very activity in the mining industry , specially in processing period.  These part of parameter be able to give you fast  ROI or Late ROI while in your financial calculation. Let get the trial and error before you make a business decission
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