Gold Resources is close to tectonics

Gold resources are close to tectonic and volcanic activities, so it is not surprising that there is a lot of gold spread throughout the Indonesian archipelago, even to the Philippines and also Papua. This is because gold is close to tectonics, as well as volcanic activities.

In order to get to balance (equilibrium), the earth wobbles only a little through the earth's crust which causes friction with each other so that a weak zone is formed that allows pressure to occur from within the earth and develops the emergence of volcanic activity, which comes out as a form of volcanoes. More broadly, this volcanic activity includes the occurrence of metasomatism processes, hydrothermal, liquefaction and the volcanic eruption itself.


Indeed, among the digestion processes there is also a process of reconstruction that naturally goes through natural processes originating from endogenic power (endogenic power = from magma process). However, in fact all the movements of the earth's crust or crust towards balance is to keep life on the earth's surface from being shaken.

Endogenous energy is magmatic in nature capable of opening gaps for the passage of hydrothermal fluids to the outside and bringing about the side effect of mineralization.


Mineralization is a change in chemical composition that occurs in rocks due to heat pressure from the hydrothermal fluid. Then slowly the natural process will take place and this movement is called tectonics.

Chemical changes that occur in the rock can trap the elements of precious metals, gold, silver, copper, which are useful for forming natural resources.

This is what every human being in nature is always looking for, as a precious metal and an economic mineral.

Gold, can be the most sought after natural resource when trapped in a certain natural structure situation. And this natural structure is the result of tectonic processes that occur in nature along with the formation and development of natural constructions. So a natural event in the form of an earthquake or the movement of liquification is dangerous for humans living on the surface of the earth, but one day it will make a trap for natural resources that humans are most looking for in their time.

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