Gold Resources in Tertiary Period and Pretertiary

Looking for gold in Tertiary era deposits is different from gold formed in pre-Tertiary times. All are indeed the same as natural precious metal objects, which are trapped in rocks beneath the earth's surface or have appeared on the earth's surface, but have identifiable differences. Gold Resources in Tertiary Period and Pre Tertiary Gold Resources in the Tertiary and Pre-Tertiary Periods show slight differences in their models and types of traps. Which is characterized by the nature of the dispersion and the alteration rocks that occur.

Finding gold in the natural subsurface is a challenge for geologists in their work to achieve the target. For this reason, many scientific aspects are used in one way to become part of the analysis and hacking of the secrets of the subsurface nature to be able to open the veil so that the natural gold resources of an area can be recognized.
This is what geologists mean as gold exploration work. for geologists, it has become his profession to dig up what data is in the wild on rock outcrops that are of interest to him. Either it is an altered rock or is it just an interesting rock boulder. '

Lack Of Data

In general, gold resources that were formed since pre-tertiary times now only leave traces that are left on the surface. The emergence of a residual trace of pretertiary gold deposits can simply be a supergene enrichment gold expanse throughout the concession area. Whereas in fact there are one or two main sources of gold that you are currently exploring.

So from there you should be careful when dealing with the golden resources of this model. More commonly referred to as Orogenic gold deposits.

Indeed, in general, complete and good data is rarely even found, generally the residue of floating sediment or traces of the emergence of alluvial gold in an area.
Even so, it has become one data that can take you to large data sets and even further into the deeper. Don't worry that the nature around you will reveal itself once you have started with your research.

How is In Indonesia

In Indonesia, there is a lot of gold distribution along thousands of islands throughout the country. The existing gold resources can range from Orogenic to Epithermal and Porphyry types. That is the variation that increasingly provides knowledge for researchers in Indonesia.


There are many new things if you have started exploring where the gold source is located.

Along with the advancement of social media has a positive impact on the development of the search for natural resources. Indirectly, general knowledge for the layman is also increasing rapidly. This is the advancement of technology through very fast communication in society.

That way it will also have another impact for something caused by the development of natural resource discoveries here.

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