Alluvial gold in your surround area


Panning to alluvial gold

 If you call alluvial gold, then by definition it is gold found in alluvial deposits, while alluvial deposits themselves are deposits formed during the alluvium era, which is the era that is included today. Alluvial gold in your surround area is most interest

While ancient alluvial can occur but still in the current geological period or the recent period or Neogene era.


There is another thing called colluvial gold, which is gold found in alluvial deposits that are still close to the original rock source, the condition is characterized by the shape of the original rock float fragments and the grain shape of the sediment is still rough and angular, sometimes the original rock boulder is still found.

How to explore alluvial gold

To explore alluvial gold, of course you have to walk along the river, and do research checks every time there is a river branch or tributary along the survey journey along this river.

  1. Check every time there is a creek
  2. Looking for thick alluvial sources
  3. Looking around the sandbar
  4. Determining the position of the "pay dirt" layer
  5. Do it with lots and sampling
  6. Recognize the material contains metal markings
  7. For example iron, galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite, manganese
  8. Just determine the prospect on a definite basis
  9. If I pan, I get 10 real items, then it's ok.
  10. If the tray is less than 5 real items, don't operate

Use good panning with the right structure, not just an aluminum frying pan without being roughed in the middle. But it's better if you use panning from wood, it will be more familiar to you. 
Wood Panning to alluvial gold

Many panning sizes, 35 cm to 45 cm are all available and can be ordered from the panning carpenter. 
Do a panning test at intervals of 25 meters to 100 meters, determine the location that you should sample by panning. 
Many of the flow angles contain sandy sediments which are very likely to contain drift gold grains or alluvial gold. 
So that's why use precision and patience in your research, your panning check will determine the final conclusion later. So don't be quick and careful using your location to be researched before making conclusions. 
What should you note in alluvial exploration? 
  1. Write down the location coordinates 
  2. Take note of the situation it looks around you 
  3. The name of your area is the administrative one 
  4. Determine the point you want to pan 
  5. Dig first or not 
  6. Determine the size of the excavation, depth, width, length 
  7. And don't forget the test pit depth and alluvial thickness 
  8. Thick pay dirt, layer containing gold 
  9. Generally coarse mixed with mud and gravel, 
  10. Coarse sand and even boulder 
  11. Drifting gold will be deposited behind that big boulder 
  12. Remember the density of gold is 19.3, so it is quickly deposited
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