Get to know more about gold in nature

This 7 gram visible gold
Primary and secondary gold are known, and each is defined as follows. Primary gold is gold found in the original rock formed from the result of natural magmatic processes, such as hydrothermal processes, mesatomatism and alteration mineralization processes.

While secondary gold is gold that is found to have moved from the place of formation, for example eroded and washed away and then deposited with the depositional media at a location, and this is called Alluvial Gold.

Of course, to know more and get closer to primary gold, you must have a lot of knowledge about this nature, including plate tectonic, stratigraphy, petrology, minerals and geological structures and sedimentation.


The geological history of how the process of sequence of events during the formation of rocks and the formation of economic minerals in an area if studied will be able to reveal the secret of nature of past events that occurred in an area.

So this is where knowledge and logic are combined to examine what happened.

From the name of the stone that you take as a sample, it will bring many stories from the questions that arise.

  1. What are the minerals in the samples ? 
  2. How was it formed to become this rocks formation? 
  3. When was it formed? 
  4. In what environment does it occur? 
  5. What do the minerals produce? 
  6. Is there any economic value for human beings? 
  7. How to process the ore in processing plant? 
  8. How to make this mineral useful?

In primary gold can be known various ways of trapping, various systems and including:

  1. Orogenic Lode gold deposit trap
  2. Low Sulfidation Epithermal gold deposit trap
  3. Epithermal High Sulfidation gold deposit trap
  4. Porphiri gold deposit traps coexisting with copper
  5. Skarn gold deposit trap deposit
  6. Volcanic Hosted Massive Sulfide gold deposit trap
  7. Mesothermal gold deposit trap
  8. Desseminated Sediment Hosted gold deposit trap
  9. Shale Hosted gold deposit trap
  10. Saprolite laterite gold deposit trap
  11. Quartz Pebble Conglomerate gold deposit trap
  12. Iron Oxide Breccia Deposits
  13. Mafic Intrussion Gold Deposits
  14. Placer Gold Deposits
  15. Hot Spring Gold Deposits

Visible gold appear while digging the ore material on some of mining project. The material is Quartz Vein with in 20 CM up to 65 CM thickness, and there are not known yet how is the interval formation. Should to sampling one by one separated samples.

The most common deposits found in Indonesia are Epithermal gold deposits, both Low Sulfidation and High Sulfidation. The second frequently encountered is the Porphiri Copper Gold system. 

Thus, it is very closely related to the existence of the "Ring Of Fire" line which describes a line of volcanoes along the islands in Indonesia. 

Although on average the earth's surface formation activities occurred in the Tertiary period from the late Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene, Miocene and Pliocene.

Meanwhile, in neighboring countries in Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam and Laos, gold traps are generally found in the Orogenic Lode Gold deposits system.

By identifying the model of the gold trap system contained in the earth's crust, it can help where to prepare pre-exploration for gold digging seekers, at least providing knowledge.

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