Gold...!!!...Where It's...?

Where is the Gold trap..?

Jebagan Emas dapat diketemukan dimana2 berupa urat(Vein) atau menjadi satuan dalam batu yang sering disebut mineralisasi dan alterasi.

The gold mineralization can be discover at every where at the mineralized zone , and this can be Quartz Vein, or in the rock mass. It's related to the genetic of the gold construction development. 

How can the gold trapping on the host rocks..?
  • Hydrothermal Processing
  • Orogenic Trapping
  • Fault Trapping
  • Placer deposite trapping
  • Porphyritic Trapping

Dimana keberadaan di alam di lapangan? Where on the field..?
  • 1. Daerah sepanjang jalur busur volkanik : on the volcanic belt , in this condition the gold occurence as the altered on the rock mass. example : Argillic.
  • 2. Daerah Zona patahan, hancuran : In the Fault Zone at along the weak zone, that the processing of the development of the fluid can be insert at along the eak zone
  • 3. Di formasi batuan Volkanik termineralisasi, teralterasi : At along the mineralized zone and Altered rock. General at the Volcanics Rocks
  • 4. Di batuan mengandung Kwarsa : At along the Quartz dominated rocks. Yes the quartz as the path finder to be goldy zone.
  • 5. Di tunjukkan oleh adanya mineral tertentu penunjuk: The path finders can be a certain minerals as Pyrite, Silver or Copper.
  • 6. Mineral Enargite, Luzonite, Diaspor, Advance Argilik, Barite : the special minerals can be a path finders for the gold zone as Enargite, Luzonite, Advance Argillic this Alunite, Illite and Dickite.
  • 7. Batuan terbentuk dari Temperatur Tinggi : The gold zone at the Highest temperature, as like on the metamorphyc zone. At the margin of the Batholith.
  • 8. Batuan terbetuk dari pH rendah : The rock that caused of differentiation of pH.
  • 9. dll, dan masih banyak lagi.: Others as Alluvial, be caused of the erosion of the high level area than transported and than sedimented at along the downstream.
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