Core Samples

Diamond drill core
Core samples
is the sample were taken by the Diamond Drilling program, and generally used a core barrel. The barrel will content a Tube, inner , outer etc. 

The sample will carried out by the barrel in the inner tube, in certain size, NQ, HQ ,PQ or BQ.

So what you do with the core sample..? 

There many significant meaning during the exploration program. A  complete exploration of the prospected area will cover till the diamond drilling program. 

What can you do with the core samples?:

a. Lithology under the subsurface: the rock description of the samples taken include color, texture, type of grain size, type of minerals, feature like fracture, fault, micro fold, content of minerals like pyrite, chalco pyrite, galena, malachite, carbon, molybdenum, iron, barium, tin and others.

Included in the core description is the characterist of the samples is oxide or sulfide core . The condition of the formation will be use full to be a ore processing method and how type of the processing plant, oxide ore will be separate as oxide processing method as like Heap Leaching, without grinding and milling , so more cheaper cost. And the sulfide ore become a refractory material will need a crushing and grinding milling, so that need more cost and processing.  

b. Core Orientation : there is a core orientation study, before you work all out hit the core, blade the core and cut the core, make sure the core orientation has done. The measurement included Alpha, Beta, the angel of shift orientation that show on the fractures. 

c. RQD : Rock Quality Designation , this is the measurement that how is the physical characteristic of the core sample while take out from the barrel. all the core more than 10cm were recorded as part of fragments.

d. Structure description : the feature included fracture, cleavage, minerals orientation track, filling fractures, shearing fractures, veining fractures, and the real fractures on the core will recorded as the structures data.

e. Minerals content : on the core samples , there are the many possibility to have a minerals content that shows during description of the core. These minerals can be pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, iron, tin, galena, malachite, covelite, barite, manganesse, chromite and others .

f. Density measurement : the density of the formation can be measure by the manual measurement methode. 

g. Sampling by meter or as needed: before take a sample the core should be cut as 50% left and right or just 30%... depend on the laboratorium and geology consideration. and the interval sampling can be meter by meter or less or more . The samples will be analyzed as base target element and accessories element. Like gold, silver, and others.

h. Documentation : the finally before you cut the samples .....the photo and documentation program should be done. 

i. Left samples : a half 50% of samples should be store in the core storage yard , for next future needed and study.

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