Rehabilitate your opened area

Rehabilitated Area

The destructive area by mine activity become an erosion surface by run off, becoming acid surface intensive, and decreasing a humus of the land surface.

Make it as fast as you can with your rehabilitation, plantation, covering plant, as soon as possible.

Find at around with local grass, local tree, and any others usefull growing plant at your area and rehab the opened surface. 

The rest of rice field mold can be use full to covering , "padi gogorancak" that growing on dray land,
The grass group also the part of the material covering the new open surface area.
  • phasphallum, 
  • milenicus java, is most familiar eveywhere. 
  • Make it the steep slopping land surface with small terrace with local content like bamboo, local jute net, stone pitching etc.
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